Funny Indian Videos
This is a collection of all the funny indian videos I have found on YouTube, Google Videos, and other video websites. This is an ongoing list. If you think you know of a funny video I should add here, let me know.
Little Superstar
This dancing midget is the funniest. I am inclined to believe this is the most popular Indian video on the internet.
If you come today
Be warned. If you see the following video, you might end up singing the South Indian English song all day long. And night.....and the day after that. Go Raj Kumar!!!!
Dayal Baba 1 and 2
The following two videos are my absolute favorites - I can sing these in my sleep. No seriously, these are kick-ass! And once you are done viewing these, search the web for "dayal baba lyrics", take a print-out and come back here to watch them again.